Sales Acceleration through Sales Training

KnowledgeBridge is your Unified Sales Training Platform to structure, formalize, deliver, assess all your sales training

The Difference Between Sale And Fail

Sales makes or breaks any business. And the sales team makes or breaks the company.

Sales personnel need to understand the Product, the Market, the Competition and the Buyers’ needs. And for this you need a robust and scientific sales training framework.

Yet 85% to 90% of all Sales training fails. Often training is non-formalized,

unsystematic, and sales talents are expected to learn on the job and improvise on the fly. Training results are unpredictable due to lack of structure, measurement and follow-through.

A scientifically designed Sales Training Platform makes all the difference between Sale and Fail.

Key requirements for successful Sales Training that delivers Revenue

Mobile Mobile Mobile

Understanding your product at a fundamentally deep level is essential to convince a customer. Whether the product is an electronics household appliance, or an industrial machine. From small to large, complex to elaborate, video based visual training can detail out products so that sales talent can grasp thoroughly the product they are selling. All data such as specifications, diagrams and images should become available for display for comprehensive understanding.

Soft skills training for Sales is an essential component of a successful sales process. How to negotiate, how to handle objections, how to project the USPs of your product, and compare it with your competition’s. Visual training is the most effective way to achieve your soft skills training objectives.

Dos and Don'ts, enacted scenarios, telephone etiquette, and body language are topics that are effectively handled through step by step video instructions. Now you can train your sales teams on the right attitude and etiquette in facing customers and handling objections.

CRM and Sales tools to track and maintain relationships with the customers are increasingly becoming an important requirement these days. Sales is complex and there are a host of technology enabled tools that come to a organisations rescue and enable them to track and maintain relationships with the customers. Starting with the ubiquitous Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, and Word, along with sophisticated applications such as CRM, Lead generation, Marketing automation, skills audit, document management and more are being used daily.

Increasing complexity of such tools makes using them difficult, and onboarding sales talent into the technology pool long drawn and sub optimal. Quick uptake of a organisations sales technology stack by its sales team is a key necessity for sales success.

Customer Speak

The KnowledgeBridge Solution

The KnowledgeBridge Unified Sales Training Platform is built from the ground up for organizing, structuring and delivering your own customized sales training to suit your product, your customers and your talent, on a single platform – any place on any device.

The KnowledgeBridge visual training platform is a perfect fit for Product Training, Sales skills development, and sales technology tools for the entire sales stack.

KnowledgeBridge can be used for setting up a systematic process of sales training. Through well-researched cognitive methods, it ensures that training is delivered effectively, and learning is retained. It provides assessments that capture uptake and efficacy at a granular level. It ensures that sellers can apply learning to real life situations consistently.

The KnowledgeBridge visual training platform is a perfect fit for Product Training, Sales skills development, and sales technology tools for the entire sales stack.

You can use the platform to manage all aspects of your sales training by immediately deploying your existing content. All existing Sales Training assets such as Powerpoint Presentations, Market Intelligence reports, Product comparison data, surveys, sample proposals, and customer testimonials can be effectively used.

Add to this the ability to integrate Customer stories and testimonials right into your sales training modules. This exposes the trainees to what the customer thinks of your organisation and what is working for them. Detailed customer testimonials and case studies will enhance market understanding and build connects to buyer personas that is critical for sales success.

  • multilingualIts Multilingual by Architecture - Once the lessons are created the Knowledge Bridge interface allows layering of multiple languages to make the lessons available to various part of the country or the world ensuring effective understanding.

  • video + textIts Video + Text - The Knowledge Bridge interface has the transcript available along side the video to help multi sensory learning. Pause and read as the relevant portion of text is highlighted automatically as the script scroll keeping pace with the video. Helpful summary is availabe right below the video window for a quick glance at unfamiliar terms and text while watching the video.

  • linked textIts Linked - Knowledge Bridge allows lessons to be linked to a vast resource base in multiple formats. Background information or underlying processes were never as easy to link at the right point in a lesson.

  • step driven throughIts Step driven - Knowledge Bridge methodology strips all extra material from a process and reconfigures it into Steps. Each step begins where the previous Step ended ensuring there is no gap in knowledge transfer or understanding.

  • replayIts built for Review - Within a lesson it is easy to identify and re-watch / re-learn a single Step. Simply click on the relevant portion of the text in the Transcript Window or the Step marker in the video Timeline.

  • other featuresThere are a host of other features that make Knowledge Bridge the easiest learning interface in the world. Come experience how Knowledge Bridge can change the way you teach your customers about your product and services and train your employees to effectively deliver the organisation’s goals.

Core Strengths


Visual Training Platform

Training Platform to deliver Video and other visual media.

KnowledgeBridge Unified Sales Training Platform is a visual Training Platform built to play back customized Visual training materials such as Video, slides, images, presentations, pdfs, besides text and excel sheets, seamlessly within its Patented user interface.



Platform can deliver all training in multiple languages.

The platform is fully multilingual. The same training can be delivered in multiple languages, cutting across States and Geographies.


Web + Mobile App

Web 2.0 platform available 24x7 on desktops and devices.

The platform is fully mobile enabled. All courses, once created, are available on mobile phones through a dedicated app. Access to training material, as well as important data and documents are therefore ensured even in the field and at remote locations.


Assessments & Analytics

Tests and Examinations continuously monitor uptake and retention.

Continuous testing and analysis is built into the KnowledgeBridge platform. It allows departments to accurately assess the status of the organization’s training objectives. Tests can be administered to individuals or groups and at subject, product, or module levels. Results can be viewed at granular detail for individuals, departments and geographies.


Cognitive Process

Built with cognitive capability and processes in mind, to aid learning.

Extensive research into learning processes and cognition technologies went into the development of KnowledgeBridge and its tools and features. Factors such as direct attention, attention spans, mental loads, retention and creation of long-term memory have been taken into account to create the KnowledgeBridge Visual Training Platform.


Empowering Organizations



KnowledgeBridge Content and Managed Services

Customized Training Content Creation

Workshop to e-Training

PPT to Movie

Customer testimonials and case studies

Product Videos

Customized Training Content Creation

We create customized training content for a diverse range of industries. We have a long and varied experience with many large multinational organizations.

We specialize in creating customized training content that accrues long term returns as core visual instruction. Our long and varied experience with multinational brands such as Tata, Mahindra, Citibank, Pearson, Whirlpool, Toyota, SQS (Thinksoft), Consul Neowatt, Syngenta, Flipkart, Homelane amongst others, gives us the edge in visual content development and deployment.

Our in-house domain knowledge extends from automobiles to electronics, from safety procedures to compliance processes, from software to agriculture, and a host of other application areas including eCommerce. Most important, though, is that we work with Subject Matter Experts on any topic, to create top notch e-Training content customized to suit your needs.

Workshop to e-Training

We convert one-time Instructor Led Training to full fledged Training Modules that can be used perpetually.

Instructor Led Training Sessions are conducted by organizations to fill in skillset gaps or to enhance knowledge and efficiency of participants. However, the returns on such expensive training programs are very low, especially over longer durations. Limited course time, disengagement with subject once the session is over, and lack of long-term engagement results in a loss of knowledge, resources and time. Once the training programme is over, the lesson is for ever gone.

KnowldegeBridge can capture the training programme in its entirety, and repurpose it for the organisations training repository. Available 24x7 participants can go back to it and refer to it any time from any device. Training can thus provide returns over long periods of time and enhance effectivity of enterprise training strategies.t.

Full fledged training modules can also be created from the basic training session material, by enhancing the live training sessions with exercises that test the learner, and activities that encourage her to engage with the lessons. These training modules involve the participant through deliberate practice, spaced repetition, tests and assessments, and ensure continued engagement.


PPT to Movie

We convert static slide-shows to dynamic self-contained movies with voice support.

We convert low-returns static course content into dynamic audio-visual learning material that is appealing, contemporary and effective with zero loss in context and relevance. If you have training content that is sitting idle, or has low engagement, we can help you make the change.

Customer testimonials and case studies

We make Customer Testimonials that establish credibility and trust for your organization.

Customer Testimonials set context and establish credibility. On websites and sales presentations testimonials and case studies complete the prospects experience by rounding off with customer experience and success report. We create Customer Testimonials that grab attention, establish brand positioning and create the right niche in the world of personalized communication and social media. With many years of experience, we create customized films that convey the desired message to the prospect.


Product Videos

Product videos explain your product at a fundamentally deep level. This has a two-fold benefit. It explains to prospective customers what it is, the application and benefits of your product. It explains to your sales personnel too, so that they may in turn convince a prospective customer of its benefits. Whether the product is an electronics household appliance, or an industrial machine, small or large, complex, elaborate, or extensive, video based visual explainers can demonstrate products in detail.